The Dojo conducted the Hatsu Keiko (First training of the year) on 6 Jan, Saturday, 2018. This year's Hatsu Keiko saw a high number of members attending including new beginners (Ika and Marcus) as well as dojo's long-time supporters (MC and VC). For members who couldn't make it for this practice, see you next time in the Dojo =)

Shoji was first done, followed by practice in groups. At the end of the practice, group photo was taken followed by some time for members to catch up with one another before adjourning to dinner. Members chit-chatted while some did light training on tachi uchi no kurai, took additional photographs, collected dojo/ dinner fees.

Dinner was held at Black White Tale near the Dojo. The restaurant owner was kind enough to reserve the main indoors area for our dinner event. Members unwind with family and friends over good food; showing their less serious side aside from practice.

Over dessert and coffee/tea, Michael thanked the event organisers and members for supporting the event, recapped on 2017's events and announced preliminary plans for the year - upcoming Taiwan Taikai, Sensei seminar in latter half of year (details to be announced) and November Japan Taikai. This is followed by a surprise award presentation to four members who attained commendations from the Judging panel during the recent Japan Shinsa.

At the end of dinner, members bade each other a good evening, some going straight home , some going to town for more sightseeing, some returning to dojo to pick up belongings; all happy after a long but fulfilling day.
Till next post. Cheers.
Special thanks: Organizers of the dinner: Rachel, Serene and Warren, who helped source for restaurant, reservations and menu confirmation. Photo contributors: Rachel, Serene, Ika, Warren.